- Status Sold
- Sale Price $625,000
- Bed 8 Beds
- Bath 4 Baths
Excellent opportunity to own a 3 unit building in HOT Logan Square area. Great second floor duplexed up with 4 bedrooms and 2 baths hdwd floors and w/d in unit. First floor is 2 bedrooms/one baths with hdwd floors. Garden unit is 2 beds/ 1 bath with w/d in unit and carpet. Stainless steel appliances and granite in all kitchens. 3 tandem parking spaces! Building was rehabbed in 2013. Nothing to do but collect the rent!
General Info
- List Price $550,000
- Sale Price $625,000
- Bed 8 Beds
- Bath 4 Baths
- Taxes $3,969
- Market Time 8 days
- Year Built 1894
- Square Feet Not provided
- Assessments Not provided
- Assessments Include Not provided
- Listed by
- Source MRED as distributed by MLS GRID
- Total Rooms 14
- Bedrooms 8 Beds
- Bathrooms 4 Baths
- Heat Gas, Forced Air, 2+ Sep Heating Systems
- Air Conditioning Not provided
- Appliances Not provided
- Parking Space/s
- Age 100+ Years
- Exterior Frame