Meet Me
Whether you’re buying or selling, I’m here to help! As one of Dream Town’s top real estate brokers, I’ll use my local market knowledge, industry relationships, and cutting-edge marketing and technology to help you find success every step of the way.
I have been working with Mark for 12 years and have bought and sold multiple properties with him. He is an absolutely fantastic real estate…
My wife and I worked with Mark both in looking for a new house, and for the sale of it two years later. The decision…
I worked with Mark Winkelman for a little over a year to find the perfect house. I fell in love and out of love with…
Mark Winkelman is the realtor to contact.
I recently purchased my first home in September 2009. My realtor was Mark Winkelman from Dream Town Realty. From beginning to end Mark provided me…
I wanted to send you a quick note thanking you for all your hard work in helping me buy my first condo recently. Your attention…
Dream Town Exclusive Listings
809 Lenox
- Glenview
- 5 Beds | 4.1 Baths
1 Renaissance #712
- Palatine
- 1 Bed | 1 Bath
421 W Huron #801
- River North
- 3 Beds | 2 Baths
425 N Knight
- Park Ridge
- 4 Beds | 1.1 Baths
5883 N Central
- Jefferson Park
- 3 Beds | 2 Baths
600 Ottawa
- Park Ridge
- 3 Beds | 2 Baths