- Status Sold
- Sale Price $485,000
- Bed 8 Beds
- Bath 3 Baths
- Location Jefferson
MINT CONDITION, JUMBO BRICK-STUCO OCTAGON 2 FLAT PLUS A 2 BEDROOM IN-LAW APARTMENT. 1st & 2nd floors have Formal Living Rooms and Dining Rooms, 3 Good size Bedrooms, Gleaming Hardwood Floors Throughout. Newer Roof, Windows and Kitchens with Stainless Steel Appliances. Newer Boilers and Washer/Dryer also! New Enclosed Back Porch and Stairway, and New Carpet on front Stairway. New Gas Block Windows in Basement. The Building also features NEW Parking Pad for 4 Cars in the Back and a Fenced In back yard with A Beautiful Private Patio covered with Grape Veins for Shade and even a vegetable garden. Walk to Fresh Farm & Patel Brothers, CTA #155 and transfer to CTA Redline, Green Briar Park and Library. Don't Miss this, it won't last long!
General Info
- List Price $499,500
- Sale Price $485,000
- Bed 8 Beds
- Bath 3 Baths
- Taxes $7,035
- Market Time 8 days
- Year Built 1927
- Square Feet Not provided
- Assessments Not provided
- Assessments Include Not provided
- Listed by
- Source MRED as distributed by MLS GRID
- Total Rooms 16
- Bedrooms 8 Beds
- Bathrooms 3 Baths
- Heat Gas, Hot Water/Steam, Radiators
- Air Conditioning Not provided
- Appliances Not provided
- Parking Space/s
- Age 91-100 Years
- Exterior Brick,Stucco